I've been volunteering with a local organization called
YouthLINC for years, eight to be exact. YouthLINC started a scholarship program to reward young humanitarians in Utah who are involved with local or international service. A lot of my brides are students, so I thought I'd pass this link on. There are billboards up for it, so you may have seen it around town. Anyway, if you're heavily involved with service, learn more about how to apply for the
Young Humanitarian Award for 2008-2009.
My YouthLINC experience is actually what inspired me to pursue photography. I traveled to Kenya back in 2000 on a humanitarian expedition. What a life changing experience that was for

me. My eyes were on sensory overload as I viewed my surroundings in Nairobi on the way to the remote village we were serving at. Never had I seen such poverty...toddlers running around in sewage, garbage everywhere -- but there were smiles.
In the village we now called home, I couldn't help but just observe and take in how they lived each day. There was hard work, and the soles of their feet, wrinkled skin and calloused hands, proved this. But their spirits weren't calloused and showed no signs of the wear and tear their bodies did. I couldn't help but pull out my new SLR camera and capture their untold stories. From Kenya on, service and photography, well capturing human nature with my camera, were major aspects of my life.
When I returned home from Kenya, I cried. I wanted to go back. I needed to go back. It's hard to explain.
My friend and I saved up for a year, working two jobs to return. And we did it. We returned to

help the Cultural Ambassador of the Maasai people with an environmental project. What an adventure that was.... I could go on and on about it, but I'll summarize by saying it felt like home, to be back with the amazing people of Kenya. It seemed like whatever village we went to, we were welcomed with open arms, oh and bananas (inside story here...). Every person I met had an unwritten story to tell, that I could usually figure out just by spending a few minutes with them.
The people of Kenya and the scenery brought me so much peace. I miss what I called my

peaceful "Thinking Rock". I used to sit on this large rock that overlooked the Maasai Mara and one of the Maasai villages I lived by. I'd sit there when I wanted to think about the people I had come across that day or just to, well think about life. I was so inspired on this rock as I would look out at my surroundings, especially when I would observe the Maasia women. What spirits they have, especially when they have so little and are worked so hard. Many pictures were created, from this rock. Oh, how I miss Kenya....
From Kenya I traveled to Ghana and then to Peru to record their stories as well. Then I started to record stories of people in my own backyard. After I attended a bridal show several years ago, I became hooked on weddings. What a beautiful time in a couples' life...there are so many gestures, smiles, laughs, and tears to record to that tell their love story. How can you not love that?
Thanks again brides, for entrusting me to tell your story. I feel so blessed! (I know I say this a lot, but it's true…)
Brandee Butler
http://www.philosophyphotos.com/Philosophy Photography
Utah Wedding Photography
I loved hearing about your humanitarian experiences. They're such a part of who you are, and also a part of what makes you so creative and extremely good at what you do.
Thanks Heather! That's so sweet of you to say. I appreciate all the love and support!!
This is so cool! What an incredible experience this must have been. After the bridal show yesterday, my husband and I went up to SLC for the Ouelessebougou Utah Alliance charity auction dinner - WOW! What a powerful evening. It was great to work with you yesterday! :)
Brandee, what a life changing experience! The more I learn about you the more I am truly amazed!
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